Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lesson 3 :The Creation

MOSES 1:27-42; 2-3, GENESIS1-2, ABRAHAM 4-5

I started out asking Bro. Mills how he would describe to a 4 year old the principles of telecommunication. His first response was "magic!"  Obviously, when speaking to a preschooler, we would consider their level of understanding and give general concepts.  This is why the information we have about the creation is in general concepts because our ability to understand these principles is quite limited.  Moses and Abraham literally had to be translated out of their physical bodies to get the information they did and then had to write it down knowing the readers would have finite minds.  No wonder those who mock the idea of intelligent design think we "believe in magic".  On the contrary, we believe in a supreme being who has all scientific knowledge and infinite understanding of how to organize a universe with laws and purpose.

We then watched a video excerpt of a talk by Elder Russell M. Nelson.  He described the 7 organizing periods of the earth's formation. He made it clear that each period did not have a time limitation only that each period was separated by purpose and that each creative or organizing period was done in wisdom and order.  The purpose for this earth's creation was so it could be inhabited by, utilized and cared for by families.

Next we discussed the importance of knowing that Jesus Christ was the actual Creator.  Heavenly Father was the "architect" and created everything spiritually first, then Christ (and others? according to Abraham) fulfilled the literal physical creation of the earth and everything living on it.  Why does it matter that Jesus was the Creator? Some felt they were more secure in knowing that if Christ was the Creator then they could trust that He has not only the power because He is a God, but because of His knowledge, the ability to answer their prayers, heal them, perform miracles and to atone for them.  If He was the Creator, He has the knowledge of molecular structure, cellular structure, etc. Therefore, parting the Red Sea, making water into wine, walking on water or being resurrected is plausible and real, not just mythical.

We also talked about the idea of having "dominion" over the earth (Moses 2:26).  We recognized that dominion didn't mean control or domination, but gratitude, respect and responsibility for. (My biggest pet peeve, more than mouth breathing and facebook farmville requests, is LITTERING- AAARRRGGGHHH!! Do NOT mess up my space because you are too lazy to throw away your own trash appropriately- seriously can't stand it!!). Part of having dominion over the earth is having reverence for it.  We all agreed that when we are in nature, we feel reverence, gratitude for beauty and a sense of peace and well-being. We decided it was because, as we read in Abraham 4, all the elements, plants and animals obey the laws of their Creator and in Moses 6:63 we read, that all things in, on, above and below the earth testify of Jesus Christ. 

Lastly we remembered the love that our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for us by reading Moses 7:30 that states: And were it possible that man could number the particles of the earth, yea, millions of aearths like this, it would not be a beginning to the number of thy bcreations; and thy curtains are stretched out still; and yet thou art there, and thy bosom is there; and also thou art just; thou art merciful and kind forever; 

In conclusion, it was my prayer that as we respected, cared for and reverenced the earth and it's inhabitant's we would take a note from the elements by being obedient to and testifying of Jesus Christ by our words and deeds.  By so doing those that would come in contact with us would also feel reverence, a sense of peace and well being.

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